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Hurricane Matthew 6 months later

Six months after Matthew made landfall on eastern NC rural communities are still recovering. The town of Princeville is largely uninhabited, while policy makers decide if it's worth rebuilding the historic community. 

           It didn’t matter what anyone did for a living growing up. The only thing that mattered was if you were prepared. Growing up on the Florida panhandle, I found hurricanes always came before school year. Once it came everyone was glued to the television. During the storm power lines would break. People would pull out their crank radios to get what little information they could. It didn’t matter if you were a lawyer or a janitor, what mattered was if you were informed. Was your home standing? Were your friends that decided to stay ok? Could you get out in time? The only people who knew these answers were reporters.

            From there my interest from gathering information grew into a passion. I surrounded myself with close friends that shared similar interests. We all shared an interest in figuring out what was happening in our world. Together we worked outside of our college coursework to write, film and produce our own documentary. Corruption of Influence is a feature length film that analyzes campaign finance laws. It explains how these laws work, and how the Supreme Court reached these decisions. Prior to this my group of friends had no experience in documentary filmmaking, but we were ambitious. Our film took us across North Carolina and D.C. to interview experts, legislators, and non-profit organizations.

            My past experiences have shown me the importance of self-determination. I’m determined to create more content that shows the story of our world and where we're going. The future of reporting is more exciting now more than ever. New fields such as immersive journalism and virtual reality have started to catch the public eye. These innovations will revolutionize the industry in ways that are unimaginable. I want to pursue these new fields with a passionate group of people.

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